Pre-medical Programmes
For secondary school and college students

Supporting the next generation of healthcare professionals
A world leading programme delivered over 2-days to introduce secondary school and college students to a career in healthcare.
Entry into medical school remains extremely competitive. Interestingly, the “drop-out” rate is the highest in decades. Our pre-medical programme, crafted by LinkMedics Academy, has been designed to give you a fully immersive experience into a career in healthcare – delivered by nurses, consultants, GPs and medical students from around the globe! This ensure you get a real-world insight into the status quo of a career in healthcare.
This programme is personalised for those students looking to pursue a career in medicine, however, the learning outcomes are completely transferable to other healthcare professions (allied professions, i.e. nursing).
What's included?
Day 1: Introduction to NHS clinical practice
A day introducing you to clinical practice in the NHS, and to the culture of healthcare in the UK. Delivered by our Group Director of Medical Education and A&E Consultant, accompanied by our team of doctors, medical students, nurses and allied health professionals.
- Introduction
- Life of a doctor/healthcare professional in the NHS
- Life of a medical student/university life
- UCAT & BMAT overview from top scoring applicants!
- Applying to medical school in the UK (and overseas)!
- How to ace interviews
- Problem-based learning workshop
- Medical ethics
- Introduction to clinical skills training day
Day 2: Clinical Skills Training Simulation
Introducing you to the common practical procedures undertaken by doctors and healthcare professional working on a daily basis. Delivered by our Group Director of Medical Education and our in-house team of NHS Senior Clinical Teaching Fellows. In partnership with Norfolk & Norwich University Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and Liverpool University Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
- Introduction
- Safety Session
- Venepuncture
- Cannulation & IV
- PR exam
- CPR / Resuscitation
- Emergency scenarios & simulation
- Communication skills and professional mannerism
- Debrief with Q&A
On-going community membership
On-going networking, clinical training, teaching, pastoral care, mentoring and career development! You won’t find support like this anywhere else!
A team of healthcare professionals, allocated to mentor you for 12-months and support your through your application to medical school.
That’s amazing people in place to support and guide you on every step of your NHS journey! As well as individual mentoring sessions, you are placed into “collectives” where you can share learning and benefit from pastoral care sessions with your two mentors. These sessions are completely safe, supported and confidential (and kept confidential from your employer/NHS Trust). Previous cohorts have found these mentoring sessions to be an invaluable and great way for everyone to be vulnerable and learn from each other’s mistakes. #VulnerabilityIsStength!
For 12 months, you will have access to a dedicated NHS consultant and peer mentor (who has been through the journey themselves), networking opportunities, personalised study and development plans, and career opportunities (both inside and out of medicine)!
Eligibility & Fees
To participate in our pre-medical programmes, you:
- must be at least 13 years of age at the time of attendance
- must be a secondary school or college student who has an interest in healthcare
Courses are arranged directly with your school. Please contact your schools Headteacher/Principle for more information. You can contact us on
Book your place onto the next course
Courses will be arranged directly through your school and will be held on-site. Please contact your Headteacher or careers advisors for information. You can ask them to contact for more information.
Enrollment and tickets to the programme are currently only available through your school or college.
Frequently asked questions
We are a team of healthcare professionals passionate about supporting the NHS transition of our overseas trained colleagues. We created LinkMedics to support others in a similar situation, and as we have been through the same journey, we provide support on a personal level from our shared experiences.
This course is for any secondary school or college student who has an interest in healthcare as a career. The content of the course would mean that it is widely beneficial for all healthcare careers, not just medicine.
Students must be at least thirteen years of age at time of attendance. This course is aimed at secondary school and college students.
Enrollment and tickets to the programme are currently only available through your school or college. Please contact your Headteacher or careers advisors for information. You can ask them to contact for more information.
Carefully created by senior healthcare professionals from leading institutions across the country, our pre-medical programme gives you a flavour of what life is like working in the NHS. This includes practical clinical skills, emergency scenarios and career guidance. We also provide support for students interested in allied health professions (e.g. nursing, midwifery).
The courses run over two-days, normally full days, from 9AM till 17:00PM.
Courses will be arranged directly through your school and will be held on-site. Turn up to school or college as normal on your course day and you will be instructed on where to go.
There is no formal application process, however, we do recommend you book early as possible to avoid missing out.
Yes. When you book your place to the course, we will send an email with an electronic consent form via your school which requires completion by your parent or guardian. You will be unable to attend the course without a valid consent form submitted by a parent or guardian. Therefore, a consent form is mandatory to be able to attend our courses.
Yes, you will get a certificate and CPD points. You can use these as work experience for healthcare related courses at university, and stand out on your application!
LinkMedics Academy
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